Dissertation J. Boogaarts
Our neurosurgeon and PhD candidate J. Boogaarts succesfully defended his dissertation titled “Quality of care for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. From theoretical considerations to practical implementations”.
Promotors: prof. dr. J.A. Grotenhuis, prof. dr. G.P. Westert
Copromotors: prof. dr. R.H.M.A. Bartels, dr. J. de Vries
It is a challenge to measure the quality of care for patients with an aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAB). Often the number of treatments per hospital is used. However, an analysis of published results shows a relationship between hospital volume and in-hospital mortality, but the results must be interpreted carefully. To measure quality the outcome must be corrected for patient factors. The Charlson comorbidity index, a commonly used index to weigh additional illnesses of the patient, is however not suitable for this. The size of the aneurysm is important to determine the likelihood of a new hemorrhage. To obtain insight into the outcome the risks of treatment must also be looked at. For neurosurgeons who perform both the endovascular treatment (through the groin) and the open treatment (through an opening in the skull) this is safe and effective. An online health community in aftercare is useful for some patients. Ultimately it is important to make outcomes clear using the national Quality Registry Neuro Surgery (QRNS) in which individual hospital results are compared with the national average.
Jeroen Boogaarts (1973) studied Medicine and Music Science at Utrecht University. He carried out the above research at the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences. He continued his training as a neurosurgeon at Radboudumc where he has been a staff member since 2009. His area of special interest is the open and endovascular treatment of vascular disorders in and around the nervous system, and also endoscopic neurosurgery.
(click here for full text Radboud University site)